11th September 2021

Hello Everyone

It has been a lovely day for the activities taking place today and for the walkers and cyclists out visiting local churches. Thank you so much to everyone who has been out raising funds for the churches on sponsored walks, rides, circuits of the church, sitting in the peace of the church building or helping with coffee mornings, gift days, art exhibitions and more. It has been wonderful to share in conversations and time together, as it was last week with Westoning Together and tingrith's wonderful auction of promises. Thank you all for your contributions which are greatly appreciated.

Today is also the 20th anniversary of 9/11 attack in America, and it has been very moving listening to the reading of names of loved family members who died. Twenty years ago, two thousand, nine hundred and seventy seven people started their day unsuspectingly, but their lives were so sadly taken, either on that day, or from the effects of injuries incurred.  People from 90 countries died, and two thousand, six hundred and six people were killed in the twin towers attack. Many of us will recall the horror of those news reports.  Our hearts and our prayers go out to all who died and to their families and loved ones for whom the grief is still so very real and raw. 

It has been interesting to hear world leaders call for unity as we move forward, and this evening at 9pm many of us may find ourselves united as we tune in to support and cheer on young Emma Raducanu as she plays in the final of the American Open Tennis tournament.  Her journey started unsuspectingly in the qualifying rounds and she has played with such gifting and talent, with such a sparkle and joy, sailing through the tournament, improving and learning each day, breaking numerous records.  She has very quickly become a young inspirational role model to young and old.  (I hear that Channel 4 and Amazon Prime will be screening the match).

Each of our life journeys is different, but we can inspire and support each other, sharing the burdens and the joys.. united in the love of Christ.

This Sunday's services:

Chalgrave 9.30m - Holy Communion - led by Linda

Harlington 9.30am - Service of the Word - led by Dr Robert Johns

Westoning 9.30m - Family Service - led by Rebecca and Nigel

Westoning 11am - Morning Praise - led by Nigel with visiting speaker from 'Compassion'.

Toddington 11am - Holy Communion - led by Linda

6pm Upper Room online service

Mid week services and Events:

Monday 9.30am Morning Prayer, Toddington

Tuesday - 10-12 noon Westcaf - Westoning

Tuesday - Youth group meets 5.30-7pm Toddington.  More information from Rebecca

Wednesday - 10am Harlington Morning service

Monday to Wednesday - Linda and Nigel on Bishop's Conference

Thursday - Toddington PCC 7.30pm 

Friday - 1.45pm. Little Stars 0.4yrs and parents/carers at Westoning Church

Friday - Friday Fellowship 2pm Westoning Village Hall

Saturday: 10-12 noon Church Cake, book and craft stall on Toddington Green

Saturday: 10.30am Baptism at Harlington Church

Saturday: 3pm  Wedding at Toddington Church

Sunday 12-19th Harlington Church 2-4pm - Stanley Greening's Art Exhibition, 'Being' continues. Entry is free.  There is also a themed 'Being' 3.5mile walk to follow, which starts at the church, with signposts with QR code links along the way to mark and describe the walk and the journey.

Services on Sunday 19th September:

Chalgrave 9.30am Morning Service

Tingrith 9.30 Morning Prayer

Harlington 9.30 Battle of Britain Service and Benefice Service at 4pm

Westoning 11am Holy Communion

Toddington 11am Morning Service

The Online Alpha Course begins on 20th September. It is not too late to register. Please contact Linda or Nigel for more information or you can register online on Westoning Church website.

There will be a Confirmation Service at Toddington Church on Wednesday October 20th at 7.30pm led by Bishop Richard.  If you would like to be confirmed, or would like to discuss baptism or confirmation please contact Linda or Nigel.

Future dates for your diaries:

Messy Church resumes at Wilkinson Hall on Friday 1st October, from after school until 5.30pm.  Messy Church will meet on the first Friday of each month and we look forward to welcoming back our families and new members.

A new Toddler and Baby group (with mums' dads and carers) starts at Wikinson Hall on Tuesday 28th September and will meet again on 12th October from 9-10.30am. 

We wish you all a good week. Stay safe and stay well.

God bless

Linda and Nigel

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