3rd July 2022

Hello Everyone

The sun is shining, and it will hopefully be a lovely weekend, thinking particularly of Westoning Fete tomorrow and the Toddington Open Gardens which people will be kindly opening in Toddington this weekend. Thank you so much to all involved.

This afternoon at Toddington, we look forward to hosting our Messy Church children and families at Wilkinson Hall from 3.15 to 5.30pm.  Today's craft theme is 'Perseverance'.

This evening at 7pm at Priory Church, Dunstable, Jenna Dearden (previously from Westoning Church) alongside some other local curate colleagues will be ordained as 'Priest' at a special service, and we send our love and prayers to Jenna on this very significant day. She will be celebrating her first Communion Service at Priory Church on Sunday morning at 10.30am and has asked Nigel to preach.

Tomorrow, Westoning Church holds its Summer Fete in the church grounds from 12.30pm until 4pm.  It promises to be a special time with local community enjoying fun activities and stalls, refreshments, tombolas and Woburn Sands Band. 

Tomorrow and Sunday there is the wonderful opportunity to wander around gardens at Toddington Open Gardens, organised by the Friends of St George's Church.  Gardens are open between 11am and 5pm on Saturday and 1-6pm on Sunday. Tickets are available from Wilkinson Hall, where refreshments will also be served, accompanied by a plant and book stall. 

Sunday Services this week 3rd July 

8am BCP Holy Communion, Harlington Church - Nigel

9.15am Family Breakfast at Harlington Parish Rooms. Theme 'BBq on the Beach' plus breakfast, craft, story and song - Rebecca and team

9.30am Morning Prayer Service, Harlington - Robert

9.30am Holy Communion Service, Chalgrave (inside.. rain forecast at 10) - Linda

11am Holy Communion Service, Toddington, Linda and Malcolm

11am Morning Prayer, Westoning - Jon

12.45pm Baptism Service, Westoning - Nigel

No Upper Room this week. Next Upper room service will be Sunday 24th July.

Other services and events this week

Friday 1st July

3.15pm Messy Church, Wilkinson Hall 

Saturday 2nd July

9am Men's Breakfast, Westoning. Speaker from the Foodbank. Tickets from Phil Steer.

Toddington Open Gardens: Saturday 11-5pm, Sunday 1-6pm

Westoning Church Fete, 12.30- 4pm

Monday 4th July 

9.30am Morning Prayer at Toddington Church

Tuesday 5th Jul

10-12 noon Westcaf, Westoning Village Hall

10.30am Knitting Group, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

1pm Sewing Bees, Westoning Village Hall

5.45pm -7.15pm Youth Group, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington for yrs 4, 5, 6

Wednesday 6th July 

10am Morning Service, Harlington Church

3.30pm TWIG, picnic in Westoning Church grounds.

Thursday 7th July

12 noon Ploughman's Lunch, Wilkinson Hall, Toddington

12 noon Wedding Blessing, Harlington Church - Nigel

Friday 8th July, 

10.30am Painting for Pleasure Group, Wilkinson Hall

5.6.30pm Westoning Youth Group Picnic in Church grounds

Saturday 9th July 

Nature Day at Harlington Church with activities for all, especially children and families. More information to follow.

12.30pm Baptism Service Westoning Church - Nigel

Future events: 22 July. An Evening with the Vicar (Nigel), Harlington Church, which includes a 2 course meal, Tickets available from Tricia

A similar evening is planned for Westoning on 13th July but is already sold out. If you would like to attend please contact Linda Little to ask to be added to their waiting list or book alternatively for Harlington. 

Finally, a sensitive reminder please that the local Food Banks are in need of our support.. even if you can just bring one item a week to church, it will help them to provide for families in need.  Also, if you know of any family in need, please be aware that we, as ministers, are able to make referrals to the foodbank. Tomorrow the Foodbank is the subject of Men's Breakfast. Tickets from Phil Steer, or contact Nigel or Linda 01525 714442

Enjoy the weekend and the week's services and events. We look forward to seeing you and thank you in advance for your support of the local churches.

God bless

Linda and Nige

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